Connected toys and devices
These are children’s toys and other devices which are connected to the internet. They are physical products which are supported by functionality provided through an internet connection. For example:
- a talking teddy bear with a microphone that records what the child is saying and then sends this data back to your servers so that you can use it to personalise the teddy bear’s responses;
- a fitness band that records the child’s level of physical activity and then transmits this back to your servers so the child can then access activity reports via a fitness app; or
- a ‘home hub’ interactive speaker device that provides internet based services via a voice recognition service.
You need to conform to the standards in this code if you provide a toy or device which collects and personal data and transmits it via a network connection in this way. If you provide electronic toys or devices that do not connect to the internet, and only store personal data within the device itself, this code does not apply to you as you do not have access to any personal data.
Further details here