ASTAR Media: Building Your Digital Communications Strategy
Seachdain na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Week
ASTAR Media: Tog do ro-innleachd conaltraidh didseatach
Diciadain 22 Gearran, 1:30 gu 2:30
Bùth-obrach air loidhne an-asgaidh
Tha sgilean conaltraidh cho cudromach sa Ghàidhlig – na smaoinich sibh air dè tha sibh ag iarraidh a choileanadh? Bho bhith a’ leasachadh ro-innleachd margaidheachd is meadhanan sòisealta nas èifeachdaiche airson tuigse nas fheàrr fhaighinn air an luchd-èisteachd agad –’s e pàirt cudromach a th’ ann an conaltradh didseatach a thaobh ur sgeulachd. Thig còmhla ri Murchadh MacSuain bho ASTAR gus bruidhinn mu dheidhinn mar as urrainn dhut ur plana margaidheachd didseatach a leudachadh, measadh a dhèanamh air d’ obair agus sgeulachd nas làidire a thogail airson do ghnìomhachas, pròiseact no lìonra.
Bidh a’ bhùth-obrach air-loidhne seo air a thoirt seachad sa Ghàidhlig agus bidh tar-sgrìobhadh Beurla ri fhaighinn às dèidh an tachartas.
Chaidh Astar a stèidheachadh mar chompanaidh gus pròiseactan a lìbhrigeadh sa Ghàidhlig gu sgiobalta agus gu h-èifeachdach. Tha còignear aig Astar, uile fileanta, làn eòlas air conaltradh agus na meadhanan, agus ag obair air pròiseactan Gàidhlig de gach seòrsa.
Clàraich an asgaidh an seo
ASTAR Media: Building your digital communications strategy
Wednesday 22nd February, 1.30pm-2.30pm
Free Online Workshop
Communication skills are so important in Gaelic – have you thought through what you want to achieve? From developing a more effective marketing and social media strategy to gaining a stronger understanding of your audience- digital communication is an essential part of your story. Join Murdo MacSween from ASTAR to discuss how you can optimise your digital marketing plan, measure the impact of your work and build a more compelling online story for your business, project or network.
Please note, this online workshop will be delivered in Gaelic and an English transcript will be made available after the event.
Astar is a Gaelic company formed to quickly and effectively deliver short-term projects. Astar has a young and agile team of five, all fluent in Gaelic, with experience in Comms and Media, working to deliver projects of all sizes within the Gaelic community.
Register for FREE here