Marshalling Resources: Augmented Fashion with Robert Gordon University

Marshalling Resources: Augmented Fashion with Robert Gordon University

29th March 2023, 1.30pm-2.30pm

Free Online Webinar

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Developing new products and services and finding new ways of working can be an important part of how you grow and develop your business, project, or organisation. If you run a small business with limited capacity, how do you create the time to develop and test new ideas- or find out if any of the R&D has already been done. Scottish universities annually undertake huge amounts of research that could be of immense value, helping you speed up your plan and save significant costs. This is the first in a new series of webinars highlighting key research and results of projects undertaken by universities and introducing you to the help you need to access the information, take part in research programmes or even commission your own research.

Our first webinar is with Robert Gordon University. Academic Strategic Lead, Karen Cross, will be joined by her colleagues design researcher, Josie Steed, and senior lecturer in the School of computing, Yang Jiang, to introduce their exciting Augmented Fashion research. The project explored how immersive technology could be used to alter consumer perceptions, help them see the real value in the craftsmanship and encourage consumers to see clothing as an investment to appreciate and cherish.

The session will look at:

  • the opportunities and challenges offered by augmented and virtual reality and other digital tools,
  • how the virtual platform created for Harris Tweed Hebrides has impacted on perceptions of Harris Tweed
  • and new projects being piloted with small businesses and heritage organisations, international links and what the future of augmented fashion might look.
  • The team will also provide a brief overview of their associated KTP work with Harris Tweed Hebrides and their Immersive Scotland Network project, which seeks to bring together those working with immersive technologies across Scotland, and introduce them to new audiences

Wondering if this is for you?

This webinar will be really useful for any small business or individual who is interested in immersive technologies and how they can used in fashion and textiles, how they can reflect and enhance the experience and value of creative, artisan fashion and textile products and an interest in culture, provenance, heritage and sustainable clothing consumption.

Augmented Fashion

About The Augmented Fashion Project:

The Augmented Fashion project’s aim is ‘to determine how immersive interactions can be used to communicate the experience and value of creative, artisan fashion and textile products, with a focus on culture, provenance, heritage, the human hand and sustainable clothing consumption’.

This project seeks to explore ways to educate the consumer about the craftsmanship, heritage, value and sustainability of traditional fashion and textile products, using a variety of media, such as immersive technologies and Human-Computer Interactive applications, to interact and engage with new generations of audiences and consumers. The project will explore how immersive technologies can be used to alter consumer perceptions, by re-valuing craftsmanship and encouraging consumers to see clothing as an investment to appreciate and cherish.


Karen Cross is the subject lead for fashion management at the School of Creative and Cultural Business. Josie Steed is a design researcher in sustainability and knowledge exchange at Gray’s School of Art. Yang Jiang is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing, all at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. They are a multidisciplinary team working on the AHRC-funded Augmented Fashion project, exploring how immersive technologies can help to revalue traditional, slow textile and fashion products.

Dr Karen Cross:

Dr Karen Cross is subject lead for Fashion Management in the School of Creative and Cultural Business, Robert Gordon University. Her research interests focus on how fashion and clothing can contribute to the psychosocial well-being of women; the use of immersive technologies within the fashion industry to tell stories of place, provenance, and people; and sustainable practices in fashion and textiles. She is currently a principal investigator on the Connected Threads project, co-investigator on the Immersive Scotland project, which seeks to consolidate the immersive technology research and development activities taking place across Scotland; and co-investigator on the AHRC-funded Augmented Fashion project, which involves Scottish fashion and textile SMEs from Lewis, Orkney, and Shetland.

Josie Steed:

Josie Steed is senior lecturer and a design researcher at Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University. She has written a number of research publications on textile craft and technology and collaborated on a number of research projects exploring new applications for textiles through smart textile technologies. Josie has a keen interest in fostering design innovation and Knowledge Exchange collaboration and has worked as Principal Investigator on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) with textile manufacturing businesses in Scotland. She is currently a principal investigator on the RSE-funded Immersive Scotland project, research co-investigator on the AHRC-funded Augmented Fashion project and was principal investigator for a recently completed KTP project with Harris Tweed Hebrides.

Dr Yang Jiang:

Dr Yang Jiang is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing, Robert Gordon University, and is the Principal Investigator on the Augmented Fashion project. She is a member of the Interactive Machine Vision research group and a co-investigator on the RSE-funded Immersive Scotland project. Her research specialisms include 3D visualisations and character animations, real-time motion capture, immersive technologies, computer gaming and user-centred design in Human-Computer Interactions. She is RGU’s interdisciplinary lead for its ‘Living in a Digital World’ research theme.

Carol-Ann Adams:

Business Engagement Executive at Interface will also provide a brief overview of how they can help make your links with the university work, including the potential for small innovation grants, and business development staff from RGU will be available on-line to answer questions.

Argumented Fashion

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