BBC Alba Commissioning Round - Summer 2024
BBC ALBA is a contemporary, forward-looking channel with Gaelic at its heart. Our outlook is broad, and our ambitions are big. We want to move, excite and connect with audiences across Scotland and beyond with strong human stories and unique perspectives.Authenticity, relatability and a passion for story-telling are key.
This call-out is focused on two areas:
1. Factual content. We are seeking compelling factual programmes that will cut through and make a popular and critical impact. The quality of the idea and its realisation is fundamental to us.
2. Co-productions. We are looking for world-class creative proposals which have other funding partners attached, or which have the realistic potential to do so. These could be in the area of documentary, natural history, fact ent, arts, performance and/or music.
Dates for submissions
This round is primarily for content which could deliver for the Festive 2024 and Spring 2025 schedule.
Deadline for ideas – 1pm Wednesday 19th June 2024
Deadline for MG ALBA/BBC partnership decisions – 5pm Friday 28th June 2024
Final submissions and any questions on anything contained in this Commissioning Round should be addressed to Jennifer MacKenzie: bbcalbacommissioning@bbc.co.uk
Formats and durations
We are open to proposals for short series.
We will take a flexible approach to durations. However, programmes of 60 or 45 and up to 20minutes for digital–first are preferred.
We are also seeking innovative approaches to how content is packaged and presented as digital-first iPlayer formats. As on the linear channel, impact is key. Short-form programmes should be conceived as brand-builders not schedule-fillers.
At the other end of the scale, we welcome proposals for ambitious feature-length singledocumentaries that have a cinematic/festival life cycle before appearing on linear TV. However, it’s expected that feature documentaries will either already have co-funding attached or will have a credible co-funding finance plan in place.
Find out more here