XpoNorth Podcast #003 - Tom Welsh

Tom Welsh is a Scottish Fantasy author known for his Metiks Fade Trilogy. He is also known for his work in writing for games and we wanted to understand how Tom developed his skills as a writer and how he took them from pure fiction into the world of games and journalism.

These podcasts have been curated by XpoNorth to highlight different ways that you can potentially generate new ideas, products, services and income, during what is a very difficult period for most businesses and organisations.

As a creative there are can be a tendency to consider our output as being suitable for just one genre. But it is always worth considering where you can apply those creatives talents in different contexts. By doing this we can develop new skills, reflect on our skills and develop them and, importantly, find new opportunities to createcommercial opportunities.

Tom Welsh is a Scottish Fantasy author known for his Metiks Fade Trilogy. He is also known for his work in writing for games and we wanted to understand how Tom developed his skills as a writer and how he took them from pure fiction into the world of games and journalism. We had the opportunity to speak with Tom and asked him how he got started as a writer, the challenges of moving iintoa different creative genre, and asked his advice as a mentor to young writers what advice he would share with others wanting to move into becoming published authors.

Date Recorded: April 2020
Date Published: April 2020

Tom Welsh is a Scottish Fantasy author known for his Metiks Fade Trilogy. He is also known for his work in writing for games and we wanted to understand how Tom developed his skills as a writer and how he took them from pure fiction into the world of games and journalism.

Show Highlights

Becoming a writer
The origins of Metiks Fade
The role of a writer in the world of gaming
Advice for budding writers

Interviewee: Thomas Welsh
Host: Tim Wright: Tim Wright is co founder of twintangibles a Scottish based management consultancy and an advisor at XpoNorth Digital

Resources / Articles mentioned in the podcast:

Anna Undreaming

Tom’s Twitter

Cloudpunk on Steam

Tom’s blog


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