Published - UK Arts, Culture and Heritage: Audiences & Workforce
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A State of the Nations Report
New Creative PEC research - including once in a decade data - provides comprehensive overview of audiences and workforce across arts, culture and heritage.
For the first time, census data has been used to provide an in-depth map of the arts, culture and heritage workforce across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, enabling every Local Authority to see the number of these workers - from artists and actors to museum workers and musicians – based in their area.
It also looks at cultural engagement among groups of people. The data shows how rates of engagement with cultural activity has changed both over time, and in relation to different characteristics, such as disability, ethnicity, and social class.
The data is considered ‘game-changing’ in terms of giving local policymakers the tools to understand their arts, culture and heritage sub-sectors, identify local specialisms and help inform development plans and investment decisions.
Explore data on diversity in the labour market, and on occupation by location.
The data further provides granular detail on the demographics of the arts, culture and heritage workforce by ethnicity, age, disability, gender, sexuality and religion.