National Lottery Film Festival and Screening Programme Fund
Funding to support organisations who are looking to produce film festivals and screening programmes in Scotland for a public audience.
The National Lottery Film Festival & Screening Programme Fund supports organisations who are looking to produce film festivals and screening programmes in Scotland for a public audience.
Activities supported by the fund should increase the reach, impact and diversity of film screenings and events for communities throughout Scotland and meet Screen Scotland’s Audience Development priorities.
Activities should also increase engagement within audience groups that are currently underrepresented in cinema audiences.
Although this fund is primarily for in-person events, we recognise that some activity may also take place on digital platforms when this is the best way to reach specific audiences that are a priority for the fund.
What’s new?
In March 2024, we relaunched the fund with the following changes:
- The fund will support activity up to 31 August 2025.
- Awards will be between £10,000 – £40,000.
- Application dates and processing times have changed and there are set deadlines for applying, enabling Screen Scotland to have a clearer overview of the portfolio of funded projects and allow us to offer more clarity regarding decision timescales.
- We are continuing to pilot the BFI Diversity Standards – Screen Scotland and all applicants to this fund need to evidence they have made an application to this prior to applying to us.
- There is no longer a 2-year funding option as there was in 2023/2024.
- We have new talent and audience focus areas that we will prioritise when making funding decisions.
How much can I apply for?
This fund is supported by the National Lottery, and we expect to do individual awards in the region of £10,000 to £40,000 per year. If your project budget is likely to be significantly outside this range, please contact the Enquiries Service to discuss your application.
If you are looking for less than £10,000, please consider the funding opportunities offered by Film Hub Scotland.
Further details here