Cothroman Eaconamach is Sòisealta Airson Gàidhlig: Toraidhean na h-aithisg

Cothroman Eaconamach is Sòisealta Airson Gàidhlig: Toraidhean na h-aithisg

Anns A’ Mhàirt 2022, ghairm Rùnaire a’ Chaibineit airson Ionmhas is an Eaconamaidh Buidheann Obrach Beatha Goirid (a’ bhuidheann) leis an amas a’ Ghàidhlig a neartachadh le fòcas air cothroman eaconamach agus an eaconamaidh a neartachadh le bhith a’ dèanamh a’ chuid as fheàrr de chothroman a thaobh a’ Ghàidhlig. Ghabh Art MacCarmaig, Cathraiche Fèisean nan Gàidheal pàirt sa bhuidheann-obrach.

Tha an oideachadh-lìn seo, air a lìbhrigeadh sa Ghàidhlig le Art, na dheagh chothrom beagan a bharrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun aithisg, a’ gabhail a-steach a’ cho-theacsa anns a bheil a’ bhuidheann air a bhith ag obair, feadhainn dha na dùbhlain a tha an aghaidh na Gàidhlig agus cuideachd mu dheidhinn an iomadh chothrom a th’ ann airson builean airson cùisean sòisealta, eaconamach, cultarail, foghlaim agus sunnd.


Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic: The Report Findings

In March 2022, the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy convened a Short Life Working Group (the group) with an aim to strengthen Gaelic by means of a focus on economic opportunities and to strengthen the economy by making the most of Gaelic opportunities. Arthur Cormack, Chair of Fèisean nan Gàidheal participated in the working group.

This webinar, delivered in Gaelic by Arthur, is a great opportunity to find out a bit more about the report, including the context in which the group has operated, some of the challenges facing Gaelic as well as the considerable opportunities for social, economic, cultural, education and wellbeing outcomes.


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