XpoNorth Digital Shorts: In Conversation with Artist Beatrix Wood
Listening to your own creative voice amidst market demands can be a challenge. The talented and celebrated filmmaker, writer and painter Beatrix Wood, navigates the obstacle course of the creative and the commissioning process, and shows us where the twain meet. A must-see for any artist, Beatrix offers a window into her creative practice and shares hot-off-the-presses the development of her newest film, Home Movie.
Beatrix's Reading Recommendations:
The Voice That Thunders - Alan Garner
Bird by Bird - Anne Lamont
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Poetics - Aristotle
On Writing - Stephen King
Save The Cat! - Blake Snyder
Writing In Restaurants - David Mamet
The Practice of Writing - David Lodge
The Writer’s Journey - Christopher Vogler
Essays on Screenwriting - Jean-Claude Carrière
Various books on mythologies - Joseph Campbell
Goddesses in Everywoman - Jean Shinoda Bolen
The Crone - Barbara Walker
Write To Be Published - Nicola Morgan
The Film Marketing Handbook - John Durie, Annika Pham, Neil Watson
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