XpoNorth RemoteControl 001: The Legal Aspect: Protecting your Creativity

As every business regardless of size or scale owns or uses some form of IP, protection of some of your most valuable assets is essential in the creative industries. Although this area can often seem daunting, this session will cut through the myriad of key issues relevant to creatives and offer an understandable overview on protecting everything that makes your business unique. This is a particularly important session for all creative businesses in the current landscape and will be delivered by the excellent team at BTO BeCreative.

BTO BeCreative have leading specialist knowledge of intellectual property protection and exploitation, data protection and media & entertainment law. With a diversity of experience across the team, they offer clients the rare advantage of combining legal knowledge with hands-on experience across the creative landscape.

Jonathan Tait worked for many years in the music industry before retraining as a lawyer and joining BTO Solicitors LLP. He has worked in A&R, as an artist and tour manager, he has owned and operated rehearsal and recording facilities and was also the VP of a national chain of music industry further education colleges. He is now recommended by The Legal 500 for providing legal advice in relation to media & entertainment matters.

Paul Motion, team head, has advised many creative sector clients throughout his long career. He is classed as a “leading individual” by The Legal 500 for Media & Entertainment law. He is also an accredited specialist in Freedom of Information and Data Protection Law, one of only two such specialists in the private sector in Scotland. Paul currently plays bass in an Edinburgh covers band.


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